Introduction to Chinese Seal Carving (3)

The flourishing of seal carving by esteemed scholars brought Chinese seal carving into a new ear. Given the artistic standards of seal carving of the Qin and Han Dynasties, some scholars widely used the stone for seal carving to express their feelings and thinkings from the Ming Dynasty. Accordingly, a new technique of expression took shape. Meanwhile, different schools of seal carving were founded throughout the county. Wen Peng (Chinese: 文彭), He Zheng (Chinese: 何震), Zhu Jian (Chinese: 朱簡) and Wang Guan (Chinese: 汪關), accomplished masters of seal carving in the Ming Dynasty, represented the highest level of then seal carving. Many schools with different artistic styles were established in the Qing Dynasty. Xiling Seal-Engraving Society (Chinese: 西冷印社) had a great influence upon the development seal carving in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. Ding Jing (Chinese: 丁敬) is the outstanding representative of that society. The society founded by Deng Shi-ru (Chinese: 鄧石如) expanded rapidly in l...